KX3 VFO B knob software upgrade wish

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KX3 VFO B knob software upgrade wish

Elecraft mailing list
When the next KX3 software update is planned, will you please consider the following items:
1) The VFO B knob is in the B position at start up. When tapping RIT ( or XIT) the VFO B knob switch to OFS, as it should. However  the VFO B knob remains in the OFS position when tapping RIT again to switch RIT off. Rotating the VFO B knob does not seem to have any effect.The VFO B knob should return to the B position, when RIT is switched off. This would be easier than tapping the VFO B knob.
Also you may notice that if the KX3 is switched off while the RIT is on, then the RIT icon will be on but inactive, when the KX3 next time is switched on, because the VFO B knob correctly is in the B position.

2) AF/RF and Keyer/Mic can be adjusted while transmitting. The PBT I/II for some reason can not. My logging program can do it, but it would be more convenient to be able do it manually while transmitting.
Minor items maybe, but useful.
73 and thanksOZ7BQ Hans Jørgen (Joe)

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