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KX3 and KXPA100 pricing?

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KX3 and KXPA100 pricing?

John Shadle
Having never been to Dayton, I don't know what the protocol is--but is
KE9V (who graciously provided the photos) able to also provide prices
to us for these new offerings?

Or, will they be appearing from Wayne and Eric in the coming days?

The KX3 looks cool, but the KXPA100 is more interesting at this point to me.

-john W4PAH
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Re: KX3 and KXPA100 pricing?

Doug Person-3
Pricing is "about" $700 for the base KX3.
73, Doug K0DXV

On 5/20/2011 1:56 PM, John Shadle wrote:

> Having never been to Dayton, I don't know what the protocol is--but is
> KE9V (who graciously provided the photos) able to also provide prices
> to us for these new offerings?
> Or, will they be appearing from Wayne and Eric in the coming days?
> The KX3 looks cool, but the KXPA100 is more interesting at this point to me.
> -john W4PAH
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Re: KX3 and KXPA100 pricing?

stan levandowski
In reply to this post by John Shadle

Well, folks, I tried but here's the "official" reply from Elecraft with
no "hints" as to price or date:


Thank you for your email. I wish we were! They did this preliminary
announcement at Dayton ( just too excited to wait) which gets a bit
confusing for everyone.

I will put you on list to be notified when production gets a bit closer.

Thank you,

Lisa Jones
Elecraft, Inc.
(831) 763-4211

On 5/20/2011 12:29 PM, stan levandowski wrote:
    When will you be taking orders and money for the new 100 watt amp
KXPA100?  I am ready.  Stan WB2LQF

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Re: KX3 and KXPA100 pricing?

In reply to this post by John Shadle
It's a prototype. No KXPA 100 shown.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 20, 2011, at 3:56 PM, John Shadle <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Having never been to Dayton, I don't know what the protocol is--but is
> KE9V (who graciously provided the photos) able to also provide prices
> to us for these new offerings?
> Or, will they be appearing from Wayne and Eric in the coming days?
> The KX3 looks cool, but the KXPA100 is more interesting at this point to me.
> -john W4PAH
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