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KX3 cover...

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KX3 cover...

John Ragle
290 posts

     I have a couple of your K3 soft cases (happy with 'em!) and will
want a carry-case of some sort for my putative KX3. I will definitely
have the paddle "option," and would possibly want extra space for mic
and for a small power supply and other stuff. Altogether, the space in
the K3 carry-case looks about right, particularly if there were
provision for a soft partition for internal padding. My alternative is a
small pelican case with foam -- I don't plan on using the KX3 for
backpacking (will be 79 when I get one--my backpacking days are in the
past) but it would be nice to have a highly portable station for

     It seems to me that your cases are overkill for backpackers. I have
done lots of same, and just wrapping something the size of the KX3 in a
soft cloth in a nylon stuff sack was always absolutely fine -- I used to
carry a SLR camera with several lenses in my backpack in this way and
NEVER had the slightest problem. I have also carried a revolver (a 0.357
with medium barrel) in a soft pack when in wild regions -- the soft pack
was just a rectangle made of 2 layers of ripstop nylon with a thin sheet
of foam stitched between and Velcro closures at the corners. I have
forgotten what these are called, but they are standard in mountaineering
stores. One put them on the hardware like a diaper.

John Ragle -- W1ZI


Sent from my lovely old Dell XPS 420

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Re: KX3 cover...

2820 posts
An alternative view from a 71 year old.  I don't "backpack" in the usual
sense, I have some orthopedic injuries from long ago, but I've become
addicted to Summits On The Air and do make 1-2 mile "final ascents" to
summits that have roads or good trails with a back pack.

My "K2 Rose case" holds my K2, my LiFePO4 battery, my clipboard log with
attached mini-paddle, a mic [I've branched out some into SSB summit
activations too], my W1 wattmeter in a W8FGU case, ear buds, a tiny
audio amp, and a couple of coax jumpers and adapters, and my Garmin
GPS-III+.  I put an EFHW jumpered wire antenna and W8FGU Z-match in too
if I'm not using the Buddipole.

All the "stuff" I need for the K2 is thus in the case or its external
pockets, it's padded, it protects the front panel, and I can turn the K2
90 degrees and use it inside the case in my lap.  In its case, it fits
snugly into the bottom of my pack, leaving room for water, food, gloves,
and possibly an extra sweat shirt.

Works super for me.  YMMV.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2012 Cal QSO Party 6-7 Oct 2012
- www.cqp.org

On 11/28/2011 12:43 PM, John Ragle wrote:

>       It seems to me that your cases are overkill for backpackers. I have
> done lots of same, and just wrapping something the size of the KX3 in a
> soft cloth in a nylon stuff sack was always absolutely fine
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