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KX3 jacks and connections

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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Mike Schwendeman
25 posts
Yep; Easy enough to do: Wire one's own mic to the common 3-circuit
plug.  (DONE!)  Wayne has offered positive information which confirms
your feelings.

And, yes; A common "computer mic" may well NOT have a PTT switch.  I was
never considering this. Rather than a computer mic, I was thinking along
the lines of a retired hand or desk mic, and adapting the mic audio and
PTT to a plug that would access the desired ground-mic-PTT connections
in the KX3 radio.  Again, per Wayne's latest, this is indeed a possibility.

Thank you for your input, Don.

To all, let's call this case CLOSED.  (My typing "speed" is "NOT."
-Hence, the added email activities this day have been a very INTERESTING
but labor-intensive chore.)  Thanks to all who participated.  I believe
that more than one of us has learned all we need, at least for now.)

73;  -Mike-  KØJTA

On 7/22/64 1:59 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Mike,
> It appears that the lack of PTT with a 3 circuit microphone is a lack
> in the microphone (I don't know of any mic with a 3 circuit plug that
> has a PTT button - these are built for use as computer mics).
> Wayne has said that one could wire a PTT switch onto a 3 circuit jack
> - which tells me that the PTT circuit is on the ring connector of the
> jack.  Wayne will correct me if that is wrong.
> Bottom line as I see it - if you have a microphone and a PTT switch,
> and you wire it to a 3 circuit plug, you will have AF and PTT - but
> you would have to wire your own, current computer microphones do not
> have a PTT switch.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 12/30/2011 4:08 PM, Mike Schwendeman wrote:
>> I may stand corrected, if your assumption is correct.  (I have NO
>> problem in admitting an error.)  But, it does NOT seem that a
>> 3-circuit plug will be permitted access to the PTT function.  -Again,
>> I really do not know.  All I have to go by is the previously-copied
>> entry from a person who appears to be knowledgeable of this radio.
>> Yes, if one plugs in a 3-circuit mic, the audio will indeed be passed
>> to the radio.  -It is the (lack of) PTT function that is seemingly
>> "missing" to me, if the 3-circuit plug is employed.
>> The bottom line comes down to an "assumed convenience," without
>> having to drive 20 minutes one-way (in my case) to the nearest Radio
>> Shack store to buy, then assemble a 4-circuit plug.  (Which would
>> hopefully be done CORRECTLY, avoiding a possible boo-boo.)
>> 73!     -Mike-     KØJTA
>> On 12/30/11 2:53 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
>>> Mike,
>>> I believe you either misunderstood, or you do not have a good mental
>>> image of the small microphone Wayne was talking about.
>>> I don't see any inconsistency.  The small microphone mentioned is a
>>> right angled mic that is quite small and fits directly on the KX3
>>> (no cord) and it has a 3 circuit plug.  See
>>> http://www.frys.com/product/5940534?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG for
>>> one example.  It would allow the KX3 to be handheld and the XMIT
>>> button on the KX3 can be used instead of PTT.
>>> As a matter of fact Wayne has said that the placement of the
>>> internal speaker was also so the KX3 could be used like a handheld
>>> It seems to be a good design choice to me.
>>> If you have a corded microphone with the 4 circuit plug, then you
>>> have full use of Mic AF, PTT and the UP/DN buttons, but if it is a 3
>>> circuit plug, you will only have the Mic AF.
>>> 73,
>>> Don W3FPR
>>> On 12/30/2011 3:01 PM, Mike Schwendeman wrote:
>>>> The KX3's mic connector design-choice is a puzzle to me...
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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

wayne burdick
4620 posts
In reply to this post by WS5K
fraley wrote:

> The preliminary literature shows the jacks on the left side panel,  
> but I
> have not seen information as to what can be expected on the back  
> (other than
> the statement from Wayne that the KX3 a "Key Out" or "PTT out" jack  
> to feed
> to the KPA-500's "PA Key" jack).

There's a recessed factory-programming jack on the back that is not  
for normal customer use.

PTT out is on ACC2.

> Is there additional information as to the other connections being  
> supported?


> I hope to be able to use a small netbook to run various digital  
> modes.  With
> my K3 I use a SignaLink to a laptop.  Any information as to what I  
> might
> need with the KX3?  I would like to fit it all in a backpack (with  
> room for
> other hiking or travel gear) so the less the better!

You'll want to hook it to the mic jack (tip) for audio in and the left  
channel of the headphone jack (also tip) for audio out.


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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

1 post
In reply to this post by WS5K

I have the kx3 on order also and would like to be ready to use the rig with my netbook also. I use my netbook with my "SWL" psk31 rig which was designed to interface with a pc sound card. One stereo cable in and one stereo cable out. The rig has a "vox" built in that triggers the rig when the audio out is approx. three/fourths max. very simple setup. I was hoping to use the same setup with the kx3,however, do not have enough information to know for sure. I lot of hams on the "Yahoo" site have already ordered external hardware to interface the kx3. Sure wish there was a simple answer! Not ever sure the kx3 mic and audio out are transformer isolated. I do not like messing around at the last minute.

Bert M. Thompson KB3MHB 73