KX3 kit #543

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KX3 kit #543

Tony Estep
Well, I ordered on the morning of Dec 28 and finally got my kit #543
yesterday. Just as a final stinger, UPS announced that it would be
delivered last Friday and even marked it "out for delivery" on their site,
but the truck never made it and I had to wait over the weekend.

But all's well that ends well, and I now have it on the air. Started it
last night, finished this morning. When assembling this kit, one has to be
dazzled by the incredible amount of thought and ingenious engineering that
went into figuring out how all those goodies fit together. I have the
version with ATU and roofing filter, which makes things a little crowded
inside that box, but it all fits and is very elegant.

It hears my XG3 just fine, and I hear signals on the bands -- now for some

73, Tony KT0NY

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