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KX3 manual, CAT control, I-Q, and so forth

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KX3 manual, CAT control, I-Q, and so forth

Tony Estep
659 posts
Unless there's an unseen gotcha, it appears that one could plug the
I-Q into a stereo sound card, connect to your PC via CAT, and have a
complete SDR and/or Panadaptor display without any headaches. This is
possible with the K3 only by inserting something like a Softrock or
LP-Pan between the IF out and the soundcard in, but it looks as if
anybody who has such a setup going now could just plug the KX3 right
in, make an adjustment to the IF offset in the SDR program, and be
good to go. This is exactly what I've been hoping for since the early
discussions of the KX3. Even though I know it's not yet the middle of
March, I am watching out the window for the UPS guy.


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