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KXPA100 Schedule

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KXPA100 Schedule

Bruce Hammond
8 posts
Anxiously awaiting my KX3, but meanwhile am also wondering when Elecraft will be taking orders for KXPA100 and what the price target is. Also interested in knowing how the PA connects to KX3: separate outboard BNC jumper or via onboard connectors.
73 de KK7EL Bruce
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Re: KXPA100 Schedule

Steve KC8QVO
93 posts
It is my understanding the amp is a stand-alone unit that will work with any rig. The same can't be said for the module in the K2 where the K2-specific circuitry is required to run the amp. If it is truly independent, and remotable in, say, your car trunk then it would have to be totally independent if just the coax is shared (and power). Maybe there is a band control circuit that will let the amp follow the rig? I know some of the lower end RM Italy, or similar, amps use sensing for auto band switching so maybe that is the route Elecraft is going. If so that would be real nice! Maybe in the future if I get an amp for my QRP gear the one for the KX3 will be all I need - and an American made one at that. Well wait a minute, an amp for QRP? Isn't that an oxymoron?

Steve, KC8QVO
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Re: KXPA100 Schedule

Dennis Moore
110 posts
In reply to this post by Bruce Hammond
At the Elecraft booth at Radiofest this past weekend in Monterey I was
given an estimated release of late summer for the amp. Saw a Powerpoint
slide of the amp, looks kinda like a finned stereo amplifier you might
find in a car stereo. I'd guess something the size of a brick with fins
on top, same rectangular shape just not as tall. Didn't see the connectors.

73, Dennis NJ6G

On 3/6/2012 8:12 AM, Bruce Hammond wrote:
> Anxiously awaiting my KX3, but meanwhile am also wondering when Elecraft will
> be taking orders for KXPA100 and what the price target is. Also interested
> in knowing how the PA connects to KX3: separate outboard BNC jumper or via
> onboard connectors.

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Re: KXPA100 Schedule

wayne burdick
4620 posts
In reply to this post by Steve KC8QVO
Steve KC8QVO wrote:

> It is my understanding the amp is a stand-alone unit that will work  
> with any
> rig.


> Maybe there is a band
> control circuit that will let the amp follow the rig?

Yes, and for multiple types of radios.

Also does RF-based band detection.

> Maybe in the future if I get an amp for my QRP gear the one for the  
> KX3 will
> be all I need...

Yes :)


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