"KXer" for the KX1

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"KXer" for the KX1

Chuck Gehring
I just received the perfect accessory for my KX1 a new iambic paddle
designed and built by Richard Meiss WB8LPU.   Now I love my KX1 and the
KXPD1 is a nice paddle, but I need to have that tactile feel of a regular

The "KXer" uses the existing mounting connections connecting directly to the
KX-1, or you can use it in the stand-alone mode with a brass tripod base.
The paddle itself is the iambic type, with the tension provided by opposed
magnets mounted on the inside of the paddle arms.  It has the feel of a
bigger paddle – crisp action, definite stops at the end of the travel, and
no "drag" while the paddle is moving.   If you have a KX1 then you really
need to check this paddle out.  I believe I have the first production model
of the KXer, and I could not be happier. The Form, Fit, Function, and Finish
are Fantastic.

I have no connection to Richard Meiss, other than the fact that I am one
very happy and excited customer.

Check out the August 2004 Bacon Bits newsletter for more information and

or contact Richard at [hidden email]

73, KI4DGH

Chuck Gehring

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