Kaf2 anti ringing mod

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Kaf2 anti ringing mod

William Schmidt

I have seen mention of an anti ringing modification for the kaf2 that was published several years ago by ki6wx.
Has anyone done this mod or know where I can find the details?  The link often mentioned no longer works.

Bill WV1N
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Re: Kaf2 anti ringing mod by KI6WX

Bill W4ZV
William Schmidt wrote
I have seen mention of an anti ringing modification for the kaf2 that was published several years ago by ki6wx.
Has anyone done this mod or know where I can find the details?  The link often mentioned no longer works.

Bill WV1N
I just searched for this myself and also found the pacbell link from KI6WX broken.  However I used the WayBack Machine to find an archived copy here:


If this does not work for you, email me and I'll send a copy directly.

73,  Bill  W4ZV