Key Line Interrupter w/SteppIR

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Key Line Interrupter w/SteppIR

Do I need to use the Key Line Interrupter with this setup? Seems that would be the case but I don't understand how the separate key line then protects the SteppIR for power during tuning operations.

I have a SteppIR, DB-18 3 element  using the SDA-100 controller, adding the KPA-500 to my K-3 station.


Jack - WE5ST
Jack - WE5ST
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Re: Key Line Interrupter w/SteppIR

Mike K2MK
Hi Jack,

Absolutely. If you transmit at 500 watts while the SDA-100 is tuning you can damage your DB-18 EHU. The interruptor doesn't provide the actual protection. It just forces you to use a separate key out cable between the K3 and KPA500. This is the cable that you would then route through a SteppIR control device which could be either the $82 Tuning Relay option for the SDA-100 or the $78 N8LP SteppIR Tuning Relay external device. You can get very specific advice at the SteppIR Yahoo group.

Mike K2MK

WE5ST wrote
Do I need to use the Key Line Interrupter with this setup? Seems that would be the case but I don't understand how the separate key line then protects the SteppIR for power during tuning operations.

I have a SteppIR, DB-18 3 element  using the SDA-100 controller, adding the KPA-500 to my K-3 station.


Jack - WE5ST
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Re: Key Line Interrupter w/SteppIR

Mike Reublin
In reply to this post by WE5ST
Not if you can curb your excitement long enough for the antenna to
finish tuning. IMHO the time is well spent listening before tromping the
footswitch anyway. I've never damaged my SteppIR that way.

73, Mike NF4L

On 5/9/12 11:59 PM, WE5ST wrote:

> Do I need to use the Key Line Interrupter with this setup? Seems that would
> be the case but I don't understand how the separate key line then protects
> the SteppIR for power during tuning operations.
> I have a SteppIR, DB-18 3 element  using the SDA-100 controller, adding the
> KPA-500 to my K-3 station.
> Thanks!
> Jack - WE5ST
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> Jack - WE5ST
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