Thanks to W6UR raspy CW tone is solved,my mistake C91 not mounted.
But still having problems with keyclicks.
K2 s power amp is not used,permanent in class C,but a rectified RF output from transverter output is
fed to V RFDET pin 10 aux I/O
When with external PS <2 Volts is applied to pin 10, K2 starts to transmit.!?
RF output LED bar follows this voltage,but has unpredictable effect on output
I am checking the signal on 28 MHz with a FT101,K2 power amp and transverter switched off .
not overdriving the receiver,noiseblanker off
With minimum power, key click when key goes up (open) with maximum power
clicks when key goes down.
hope someone can help!! 73 Nanko PA0V
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