...as we drove to pick up two of my children. I was
early, and had about 40 spare minutes...by design!
Heh, heh...
Up went the 40M Hamstick, I plugged everything in, got
a fine match and was putting out four to five watts.
Up at 7.040, there was a lot of SSB, So I tuned down,
found a pile, it was for TF4M, so I joined in the
chase, and worked him after four or five
tries...Iceland! New one for me! This guy has some
massive rhombics on a fjord in western Iceland...check
out his QRZ.com listing.
Then some more tuning, listening - found an EA6
calling CQ, good sigs, so I called a bunch, never
heard him, called some more, and heard K3ESE DE
7X4AN... whoa! Algeria! New for me! We chatted for a
couple of minutes, and then it was time for Kixie to
head back into her little padded bag...
...'til the next time I can arrange a few spare
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