Kudos to Rework Eliminator

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Kudos to Rework Eliminator

I just finished building my K2.  I bought the rework eliminator kit linked at the bottom of the elecraft home page when I bought my kit.
I screwed up when I assembled the RE header modules by putting the connectors on the wrong side of the boards.  I sent them an email suggesting that they make it more obvious to bone-heads like me.  I'm fairly handy with a soldering iron, so I was able to repair my boards, but someone else who is more challenged might have trouble doing such a repair.  They sent me a whole new kit in the mail, free of charge.  I returned the package since I was able to fix the headers and I won't need them as soon as I finish building the remaining boards.

I was somewhat nervous about deviating from the standard elecraft directions, but the redline instructions provided by RE were clear and concise.  My only complaint is that it is a pain in the butt to make all the redlines in the assembly manual.  I don't think there is much they can do about that since Elecraft doesn't want to get into bed with them.

Anyway, if there are new builders out there, I'd recommend the RE kit.  It will make upgrading the K2 a snap.  I suggest dry-fitting the RE headers before you solder the connectors though.  If you screw up, they are a pain to remove in one piece.

Rich - KE1EV
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