Kx1 High watts out

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Kx1 High watts out

Curron HILL
I have completed my KX1 kit and the 30 meter.  I think I have something unusual for the radio.  The following readings are with the power variable resistor fully clockwise.  I have tried it on two different SWR/watt meters and have the following outputs in Tune mode through the meter into a dummy load:
40 meters 5.2 watts
30 meters 7.5 watts
20 meters 9.5 watts
These are all with 13.8 volts in.  Funny thing is they don't even loose a full watt when I switch from the external 13.8 volts to the internal batteries of only 9 volts.  The current draw is at the high end of the acceptable range.

I have grouped the windings closer on the wound coil as the book suggested when the 20 meter wattage is higher than the 40 but it did not help much.

Will I be replacing the output transistor a lot at this output?  I have double checked all circuitry in the transmitter section and found no bridges or wrong parts in the wrong place, nothing is in backwards etc.  The receiving is fine with the radio.  The tone of the output is solid, looks great on a frequency counter and scope.

When I first built the unit without the 30 meter module I had output on 40 meters of 5 watts, but nothing on 20. With a receiver sitting close to the radio I could here the tone, but nothing coming out of the final.  I found one of the relays was locked in one position.  I replaced the relay with one from the tuner kit and then had output on both, but the 20 was high.  I added the 30 module and found the output of the 40 and 20 to be the same with the 30 output in between.  To be honest I thought the meter I had was off.  So when I got a chance I got a MFJ-971 and I get the same wattage reading with that.

Any ideas?  Do you think I have a problem, or just a hot little rig?  I can turn the wattage down, but the spread across the bands remains about the same.

Thanks for any responses and 73's
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