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Hello all.

I'm getting ready to do alignment and test partII and noticed this on
the reflector.

>1)  L31 was shipped to me as a 10uH shielded Inductor, but my PLL Reference
>Oscillator Range would not go higher than 9.45 kHz until Lisa (in Parts)
>shipped me a 12uH replacement.  The range is now over 12 kHz as I remember.

Do I need to get a hold of Elecraft to send the 12uH inductor or go
ahead with the 10uH and see what I get for reference oscillator range?


R. Kevin Stover

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Re: L31

Paul Saville

The smaller the PLL range, the better the temperature stability. The 10uH
gives better temperature stability, so try for the 9.8 kHz minimum with 10
uH first. If you have a particularly good PLL crystal (there is some
variation in each manufactured batch) then you may need 12 uH to make it
"pull" over a 9.8 kHz range.

73 Paul ZL3IN

> Do I need to get a hold of Elecraft to send the 12uH inductor or go
> ahead with the 10uH and see what I get for reference oscillator range?

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