LED segment display reading high

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LED segment display reading high

Hi -

I have completed the RX in my K2 and found that all signals were end-
stopping on the LED. I have recalibrated the segement hi/lo settings  
as per the manual but this procedure always results in high readings  
(eg. S5 sigs read S40). I can wind s-hi up to make the readings more  
sensible and then it all behaves correctly.

I wonder whether I have a wrong capacitor or resistor somewhere, as I  
think the calibration process is unlikely to give S40 readings in  
this way. I'm not sure where to look - any advice on this would be  
much appreciated!

Michael G7VJR

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Re: LED segment display reading high

Which is the cult...the sectarian cleric who threatened to burn a holy book (but in the end did not) or the members of the sects who rioted, causing multiple murders worldwide, because of the mere threat of burning one (1) copy of "their" book. LED Flood Light
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Actually, its a false choice. Shouldn't we use the word 'cult' to describe all of these types of sects (those who would burn, and those who would riot over a single burning)?
Since I'm sure to be intentionally misunderstood: most Muslims did NOT riot over the near-burning of their holy book (and most non-Muslims repudiated Jones' threat.)
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Re: LED segment display reading high

In reply to this post by g7vjr
Will this lighting support live plants?
I got a Marineland LED aquarium kit and I was wondering if the LED light strip would support live plants?

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