Lithium AAs in K1 KBT1?

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Lithium AAs in K1 KBT1?

Michael Babineau
Anyone out there using Lithium AA cells with the K1
internal battery option (KBT1)?

I originally purchased the KBT1 but sold it before I
installed it because I felt that it would be too much of
a hassle to remove, charge and re-install NIMH cells
all the time. Now after using my KX1 for some time with
Lithium AAs it occurred to me that Lithium cells might
also be a good idea for K1 as well especially since I
tend to use it for portable operations only sporadically
now that I have a KX1.

Lithium cells are expensive but have a very long shelf life,
a rather flat discharge curve and currently are good for about
2200 mah which should go a long way with a K1 especially
for casual operation.

Michael VE3WMB

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