Lock washers.

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Lock washers.

Hi all.

I have a silly question.

At one point in the manual for the KPA100 it says to install 2
lockwashers under each screw for Q1 and Q2 while soldering them and
another place it says just 1 lockwasher during final assembly.

How many lockwashers go under each screw for Q1 and Q2 for final assembly?


R. Kevin Stover ACØH

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Re: Lock washers.

Jim Younce
The reason for the two lockwashers while soldering the output transistors is
to keep the screws from bottoming out in the heat sink because the heat
transfer devices between the transistors and the heat sink are not installed
yet.  One lockwasher is correct on final install.

Jm Younce K4ZM
K2  SN: 18

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