Logger 32 and A Networked K2

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Logger 32 and A Networked K2

Mike Walkington-3

I was quite pleased to see that there were a few other K2 owners using
Logger32. I searched and tried a few of the freeware loggers for a while
before settling on Logger32.  It seems to have a similar development model
to the K2 - a group of enthusiasts who work together to develop and improve

For some time now I have been contemplating how to network my K2.  A Google
enabled search has revealed that there are now several Ethernet to RS-232
converters available on the market including one that has wi-fi ethernet.
The price for a standard converter is still high and $US180 was the lowest I
found, but this is still cheaper than a dedicated PC.  Also, the Taiwanese
are now starting to make them, so the price is bound to fall.  The wi-fi
model is amazing because it opens up the possibility that I could sit
anywhere in my house or garden and remotely drive my K2 certainly with ease
for say PSK. However, I still have to confirm the legaility of doing this in
Australia, and I'm not sure about the USA.

Some of the converter companies provide software that somehow redirects
commands sent from your PC, normally to a serial COM port to which the K2 is
attached, to a TCP/IP address of your choosing ie one that you would specify
for the now ethernet connected K2.  My first question is: Can any one
explain how translation from a serial COM port to an ethernet address works?
I guess that in time, people writing software to control K2s will start to
build in the option for you to specify a TCP/IP address as well as an RS-232
COM port.

My second question is how would I go about taking voice from say a headset
and sending it from my PC to an ethernet remoted K2?

By the way, I'm now back in Australia and looking forward to demonstrating
my trusty K2.  I'm giving a presentation to the local club at the end of
June on my experience with Amateur Radio in the USA where I hope to do a
quick demo of the K2 and then give a dedicated K2 talk as a follow up later



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