Here is what happened when I worked with a hunk of
wire recently. I have a 160 meter Inverted-L antenna
that is a little longer that 130 foot....around 135
feet. I have a feed point at the base of the tower
which is about 10 feet from the tuner. My tower is
right near the shack. See
Under the inverted-L are 18 random length radials in
the yard...or about 500 feet of #14 stranded insulated
wire from Lowes. The radials or counterpoise comes to
a stainless steel ring that it tapped for bolts and
all radials are tied to that. The I have a SO-239
mounted on a steel stake that is connected to the very
bottom of the verticle part of the Inverted-L. The
ground is a very large copper allegator clamp (think
battery binding post) that clamps around the PL-259
shell and then is connected to the stainless steel
ring. The Inverted-L is good at about 1880 khz. Not
perfect...but, who's antennas are? Using the hunk of
wire as a "longwire" the KAT100 was able to tune it on
80, 40, 30 and 20 without a problem. I did not write
down the L and C as indicated on the K2. I even
worked some people on those bands to see if it was
radiating. It was. It works quite well on 160 as
well. RF is the shack was not detected. If the wire
(antenna itself) came int othe shack and tied to the
KAT100...I think that would be an issue.
That is what I have found when using the KAT100 with
with the a "longwire." Notice the word is in ""
because there are different ideas as who what really
constitutes a "longwire."
Lee - K0WA
Common sense is in short supply - get some and use it - Lee Buller
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