Loss of CW Sidetone and Output

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Loss of CW Sidetone and Output

     Somehow in testing and setting up my XV144 with my K2 (#3478), I have done something that removed the CW Sidetone and Output.  I'm fairly certain it is a Menu issue since I have SSB output.  I am currently using a Down East Microwave 903 transver with the K2.  I have moved the XV144 to the K3 (#280).
     What have a done?
                                  Roger K8RS
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Re: Loss of CW Sidetone and Output


Dave Wilburn
K2/100 - S/N 5982
K3/100 - S/N 766

"For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will
never know."

Roger Stimson wrote:
>      Somehow in testing and setting up my XV144 with my K2 (#3478), I have
> done something that removed the CW Sidetone and Output.  I'm fairly certain
> it is a Menu issue since I have SSB output.  I am currently using a Down
> East Microwave 903 transver with the K2.  I have moved the XV144 to the K3
> (#280).
>      What have a done?
>                                   Roger K8RS
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