Macros for KX3

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Macros for KX3

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I have been playing with macros for my new KX3, and thought I'd share a couple of them.
I have adapted the SPLIT+2 macro to include locking the VFO A knob, and have made the macro to be a toggle for PF1 to SPLIT+2 then UNSPLIT to return the radio back to the same condition it was in prior to the split. These macros must be saved in Macro 1 and Macro 3 position in order to work.
Macro 2 is designed to tune the radio to WWV on 10.0 MHz, and AM mode, and I assigned it to PF2.
Assign Macro 1 to PF1 and assign macro 2 to PF2.

Macro 1 (labeled SPLIT+2) SWT25;SWT25;FT1;UPB5;RT0;XT0;SB1;LK1;MN110;SWT20;DELAY;SWH18;DELAY;MN255;

Macro 2 (labeled WWV 10)

Macro 3 (labeled UNSPLIT)

I hope this helps!
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Re: Macros for KX3

Harold Porter
I tried to set up the macros, but all of the macro buttons filled up with what looks like the letter Y, with dots over the Ys. What am I doing wrong?