Microphone for K2

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Microphone for K2

Jim Brown-10
As some of you know, I'm in the pro audio business, so microphones are
something I know a bit about. :)  At a recent hamfest, I bought three variations
of Plantronics headsets made for use with cellphones. I paid $5 each; in a
store they would likely fetch $15-$25. I've seen similar Plantronics models at
Fry's Electronics, packaged for use with VOIP into a computer sound card, for
$25.  For those of you who don't know, Plantronics is the originator of the
miniature "Starset" headsets for telecommunications decades ago. They're a
publically traded US company.

Over the past two weeks, I've made adapters to use these headset/mic
combos with my laptop for Echolink and VOIP, and also to run into my ham
rigs. I haven't done one yet for the K2, but I just did one for the Icom 746 that I
use on six meters. I am VERY pleased with the result -- on the air reports from
critical listeners tell me that I have clean, punchy audio, the emphasized high
end that works for good communications quality, and no breathe pops.  

The wiring to make these mics work with a K2 is quite simple. First, you need
to cut off the plug and identify which conductors go to the mic and earphone.
On my Plantronics units, white is the mic, red is the earphone, blue is common,
and there is an overall shield that should be tied to the mic connector shell. To
get bias for the mic element, add a 2.2K resistor between +8v and the white
wire. If you want the earphone to work, you'll have to either bring receive audio
to the connector or put a second connector on the mic to go to the headphone

If you're adapting it to a typical computer sound card, you'll also want the 2.2K
resistor from wherever it shows up on the computer's mic input to the "hot" mic
lead. It's no problem fitting a low wattage resistor into a Switchcraft 1/8" plug.
It's trickier fitting it into the 8-pin plug used on the K2.

Jim Brown  K9YC

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Re: Microphone for K2

Bill Steffey NY9H
The American economy will suffer !
You were not supposed to let the "cat out of the bag"
about "expensive" ham microphones.

Before you know it, someone out there will discover that the cheapest
electret element , ripped out of an old panasonic or nortel telephone will
EXCELLENT audio. Then these ham guys will put these elements into some kind
of stand , and  walah,,,, A FREE EXCELLENT MICROPHONE. causing economic

Plus we know these guys become attached to things they build.


Bill ny9h  (  a manufacturers' rep who has represented several REAL
microphone manufacturers over the last 30 years,,,  AKG, SHURE, & SENNHEISER
  and none of them importers of someone else's products...)

At 10:34 AM 9/1/2004, Jim Brown wrote:

>As some of you know, I'm in the pro audio business, so microphones are
>something I know a bit about. :)  At a recent hamfest, I bought three
>of Plantronics headsets made for use with cellphones. I paid $5 each; in a
>store they would likely fetch $15-$25. I've seen similar Plantronics
>models at
>Fry's Electronics, packaged for use with VOIP into a computer sound card, for
>$25.  For those of you who don't know, Plantronics is the originator of the
>miniature "Starset" headsets for telecommunications decades ago. They're a
>publically traded US company.
>Over the past two weeks, I've made adapters to use these headset/mic
>combos with my laptop for Echolink and VOIP, and also to run into my ham
>rigs. I haven't done one yet for the K2, but I just did one for the Icom
>746 that I
>use on six meters. I am VERY pleased with the result -- on the air reports
>critical listeners tell me that I have clean, punchy audio, the emphasized
>end that works for good communications quality, and no breathe pops.
>The wiring to make these mics work with a K2 is quite simple. First, you need
>to cut off the plug and identify which conductors go to the mic and earphone.
>On my Plantronics units, white is the mic, red is the earphone, blue is
>and there is an overall shield that should be tied to the mic connector
>shell. To
>get bias for the mic element, add a 2.2K resistor between +8v and the white
>wire. If you want the earphone to work, you'll have to either bring
>receive audio
>to the connector or put a second connector on the mic to go to the headphone
>If you're adapting it to a typical computer sound card, you'll also want
>the 2.2K
>resistor from wherever it shows up on the computer's mic input to the
>"hot" mic
>lead. It's no problem fitting a low wattage resistor into a Switchcraft
>1/8" plug.
>It's trickier fitting it into the 8-pin plug used on the K2.
>Jim Brown  K9YC
>Elecraft mailing list
>Post to: [hidden email]
>You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
>Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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Re: Microphone for K2

In reply to this post by Jim Brown-10
Another option may be to use a PC microphone/headset that are available in  
the market at very low prices. I use an Altec Lansing AHS-201 headset electret  
boom microphone with a single earpiece with my K2. As the headset is  
terminated in the standard 2 x 3.5mm stereo jacks I made up the  necessary connectors
and a PTT in a small plastic box with two leads out for the  K2,  8 pin mic
connector and a 3.5mm stereo plug for the headphone  connector. A foot switch
could be added if desired for PTT. The +5V bias voltage  is already available
at P1 on the K2 Front Panel board. All it takes  is a suitable resistor to
provide the bias voltage needed from the +5V  on P1 pin 6 to the designated AF pin
or pin 1 on the K2/KSB2 side. There is  already a 2.2uF isolating capacitor,
C34 on the KSB2 I/P, so no other  isolation is required with the standard
K2/KSB2. The bias voltage needed for the  Altec Lansing AHS-201 does not seem
critical. I used a single AA 1.5V dry cell  in tests and with that was able to
overdrive the K2 in the microphone high  setting.
An added advantage with this particular headset is the microphone is noise  
cancelling for use in noisy situations and the earpiece seems to work well with
 the K2 giving a good RX audio level. I had built the setup originally  to
use with a Yaesu VHF/UHF mobile and it was pleasing to find that it  worked very
well with the K2. Trying it out was easy as I already used the Yaesu  
standard for the K2 8 pin microphone connector. The Altec Lansing  AHS-201 should be
retailed from about $10 in the USA. The  obsolete AHS-15 should also work well
at an even cheaper price if still  available.
Bob, G3VVT
K2 #4168
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: Microphone for K2

Jim Brown-10
I must not have been clear. it is not "another option" -- it's precisely the
Plantronics headset I noted I had seen at Fry's Electronics. So everything
that applies to making a cell phone headset work applies equally to
making the PC headset work.  

The point is that these headsets differ only in 1) the quality of the headset
and mic elements; 2) Physical comfort; 3) the connector(s) on the end. All
of the Plantronics headsets have noise cancelling mics. Bill, NY9H, has
observed that these capsules (and the capsules used in the VERY
expensive ham mics) sell for half a dollar or less without the name of the
very expensive ham mic marketing company on them.

Another point. Plantronics is an old line telecommunications company.
The "Altec Lansing" NAME was purchased at least a decade ago, is
applied to cheap junk from the far east, and sold. There is no connection
(other than this sale of the name) between the company using the name
and the company that MADE the name a household word for high quality
audio. In spite of its pedigree, I'll bet your headset works a treat on the K2!  

What can be very tricky to get to work is a headset with an inline PTT
switch sold to work with a ham talkie. In essence, you have to do major
surgery on what is a very delicate (and cheap) switch with very tiny and
delicate wiring to either disable it or rewire it to work with a radio for which
it was not intended. I  bought one of these new at a hamfest. VERY bad

Jim Brown  K9YC

 --Original Message Text---
From: [hidden email]
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 19:08:31 EDT

Another option may be to use a PC microphone/headset that are available in the market
at very low prices. I use an Altec Lansing AHS-201 headset electret boom microphone
with a single earpiece with my K2. As the headset is terminated in the standard 2 x
3.5mm stereo jacks I made up the necessary connectors and a PTT in a small plastic
box with two leads out for the K2,  8 pin mic connector and a 3.5mm stereo plug for the
headphone connector. A foot switch could be added if desired for PTT. The +5V bias
voltage is already available at P1 on the K2 Front Panel board. All it takes is a suitable
resistor to provide the bias voltage needed from the +5V on P1 pin 6 to the designated
AF pin or pin 1 on the K2/KSB2 side. There is already a 2.2uF isolating capacitor, C34
on the KSB2 I/P, so no other isolation is required with the standard K2/KSB2. The bias
voltage needed for the Altec Lansing AHS-201 does not seem critical. I used a single
AA 1.5V dry cell in tests and with that was able to overdrive the K2 in the microphone
high setting.
An added advantage with this particular headset is the microphone is noise cancelling
for use in noisy situations and the earpiece seems to work well with the K2 giving a
good RX audio level. I had built the setup originally to use with a Yaesu VHF/UHF
mobile and it was pleasing to find that it worked very well with the K2. Trying it out was
easy as I already used the Yaesu standard for the K2 8 pin microphone connector. The
Altec Lansing AHS-201 should be retailed from about $10 in the USA. The obsolete
AHS-15 should also work well at an even cheaper price if still available.
Bob, G3VVT
K2 #4168

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: Microphone for K2

Tom Mc
In reply to this post by Jim Brown-10
I had the occassion to take apart the hand held mic that Elecraft carries (MH-2?) and was really shocked at what I found inside.

Now as a mostly CW guy I really don't have a good appreciation of sound quality, but I'm finding this thread very interesting.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Brown <[hidden email]>
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2004 8:22 pm
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Microphone for K2

> I must not have been clear. it is not "another option" -- it's
> precisely the
> Plantronics headset I noted I had seen at Fry's Electronics. So
> everything
> that applies to making a cell phone headset work applies equally
> to
> making the PC headset work.  
> The point is that these headsets differ only in 1) the quality of
> the headset
> and mic elements; 2) Physical comfort; 3) the connector(s) on the
> end. All
> of the Plantronics headsets have noise cancelling mics. Bill,
> NY9H, has
> observed that these capsules (and the capsules used in the VERY
> expensive ham mics) sell for half a dollar or less without the
> name of the
> very expensive ham mic marketing company on them.
> Another point. Plantronics is an old line telecommunications
> company.
> The "Altec Lansing" NAME was purchased at least a decade ago, is
> applied to cheap junk from the far east, and sold. There is no
> connection
> (other than this sale of the name) between the company using the
> name
> and the company that MADE the name a household word for high
> quality
> audio. In spite of its pedigree, I'll bet your headset works a
> treat on the K2!  
> What can be very tricky to get to work is a headset with an inline
> switch sold to work with a ham talkie. In essence, you have to do
> major
> surgery on what is a very delicate (and cheap) switch with very
> tiny and
> delicate wiring to either disable it or rewire it to work with a
> radio for which
> it was not intended. I  bought one of these new at a hamfest. VERY
> bad
> idea.
> Jim Brown  K9YC
> --Original Message Text---
> From: [hidden email]
> Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 19:08:31 EDT
> Another option may be to use a PC microphone/headset that are
> available in the market
> at very low prices. I use an Altec Lansing AHS-201 headset
> electret boom microphone
> with a single earpiece with my K2. As the headset is terminated in
> the standard 2 x
> 3.5mm stereo jacks I made up the necessary connectors and a PTT in
> a small plastic
> box with two leads out for the K2,  8 pin mic connector and a
> 3.5mm stereo plug for the
> headphone connector. A foot switch could be added if desired for
> PTT. The +5V bias
> voltage is already available at P1 on the K2 Front Panel board.
> All it takes is a suitable
> resistor to provide the bias voltage needed from the +5V on P1 pin
> 6 to the designated
> AF pin or pin 1 on the K2/KSB2 side. There is already a 2.2uF
> isolating capacitor, C34
> on the KSB2 I/P, so no other isolation is required with the
> standard K2/KSB2. The bias
> voltage needed for the Altec Lansing AHS-201 does not seem
> critical. I used a single
> AA 1.5V dry cell in tests and with that was able to overdrive the
> K2 in the microphone
> high setting.
> An added advantage with this particular headset is the microphone
> is noise cancelling
> for use in noisy situations and the earpiece seems to work well
> with the K2 giving a
> good RX audio level. I had built the setup originally to use with
> a Yaesu VHF/UHF
> mobile and it was pleasing to find that it worked very well with
> the K2. Trying it out was
> easy as I already used the Yaesu standard for the K2 8 pin
> microphone connector. The
> Altec Lansing AHS-201 should be retailed from about $10 in the
> USA. The obsolete
> AHS-15 should also work well at an even cheaper price if still
> available.
> Bob, G3VVT
> K2 #4168
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: [hidden email]
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft   
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: [hidden email]
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft   
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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Re: Microphone for K2

Could you tell us what you found in the MH-2 ???

On Thursday, September 02, 2004, at 09:46AM, <[hidden email]> wrote:

>I had the occassion to take apart the hand held mic that Elecraft carries (MH-2?) and was really shocked at what I found inside.
>Now as a mostly CW guy I really don't have a good appreciation of sound quality, but I'm finding this thread very interesting.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Jim Brown <[hidden email]>
>Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2004 8:22 pm
>Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Microphone for K2
>> I must not have been clear. it is not "another option" -- it's
>> precisely the
>> Plantronics headset I noted I had seen at Fry's Electronics. So
>> everything
>> that applies to making a cell phone headset work applies equally
>> to
>> making the PC headset work.  
>> The point is that these headsets differ only in 1) the quality of
>> the headset
>> and mic elements; 2) Physical comfort; 3) the connector(s) on the
>> end. All
>> of the Plantronics headsets have noise cancelling mics. Bill,
>> NY9H, has
>> observed that these capsules (and the capsules used in the VERY
>> expensive ham mics) sell for half a dollar or less without the
>> name of the
>> very expensive ham mic marketing company on them.
>> Another point. Plantronics is an old line telecommunications
>> company.
>> The "Altec Lansing" NAME was purchased at least a decade ago, is
>> applied to cheap junk from the far east, and sold. There is no
>> connection
>> (other than this sale of the name) between the company using the
>> name
>> and the company that MADE the name a household word for high
>> quality
>> audio. In spite of its pedigree, I'll bet your headset works a
>> treat on the K2!  
>> What can be very tricky to get to work is a headset with an inline
>> PTT
>> switch sold to work with a ham talkie. In essence, you have to do
>> major
>> surgery on what is a very delicate (and cheap) switch with very
>> tiny and
>> delicate wiring to either disable it or rewire it to work with a
>> radio for which
>> it was not intended. I  bought one of these new at a hamfest. VERY
>> bad
>> idea.
>> Jim Brown  K9YC
>> --Original Message Text---
>> From: [hidden email]
>> Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 19:08:31 EDT
>> Another option may be to use a PC microphone/headset that are
>> available in the market
>> at very low prices. I use an Altec Lansing AHS-201 headset
>> electret boom microphone
>> with a single earpiece with my K2. As the headset is terminated in
>> the standard 2 x
>> 3.5mm stereo jacks I made up the necessary connectors and a PTT in
>> a small plastic
>> box with two leads out for the K2,  8 pin mic connector and a
>> 3.5mm stereo plug for the
>> headphone connector. A foot switch could be added if desired for
>> PTT. The +5V bias
>> voltage is already available at P1 on the K2 Front Panel board.
>> All it takes is a suitable
>> resistor to provide the bias voltage needed from the +5V on P1 pin
>> 6 to the designated
>> AF pin or pin 1 on the K2/KSB2 side. There is already a 2.2uF
>> isolating capacitor, C34
>> on the KSB2 I/P, so no other isolation is required with the
>> standard K2/KSB2. The bias
>> voltage needed for the Altec Lansing AHS-201 does not seem
>> critical. I used a single
>> AA 1.5V dry cell in tests and with that was able to overdrive the
>> K2 in the microphone
>> high setting.
>> An added advantage with this particular headset is the microphone
>> is noise cancelling
>> for use in noisy situations and the earpiece seems to work well
>> with the K2 giving a
>> good RX audio level. I had built the setup originally to use with
>> a Yaesu VHF/UHF
>> mobile and it was pleasing to find that it worked very well with
>> the K2. Trying it out was
>> easy as I already used the Yaesu standard for the K2 8 pin
>> microphone connector. The
>> Altec Lansing AHS-201 should be retailed from about $10 in the
>> USA. The obsolete
>> AHS-15 should also work well at an even cheaper price if still
>> available.
>> Bob, G3VVT
>> K2 #4168
>> _______________________________________________
>> Elecraft mailing list
>> Post to: [hidden email]
>> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft   
>> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
>> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
>Elecraft mailing list
>Post to: [hidden email]
>You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft   
>Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
>Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com


Jean-François Ménard, VA2VYZ
[hidden email]

Club des Astronomes Amateurs de Sherbrooke
Club Radio Amateur de l'Estrie

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: [hidden email]
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft   
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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Re: Microphone for K2

hank  k8dd-2
Don't tell me it was a J-38 mic cartridge!

At 9/2/2004 09:49 AM, JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD wrote:

>Could you tell us what you found in the MH-2 ???
>On Thursday, September 02, 2004, at 09:46AM, <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >I had the occassion to take apart the hand held mic that Elecraft
> carries (MH-2?) and was really shocked at what I found inside.
> >
> >Now as a mostly CW guy I really don't have a good appreciation of sound
> quality, but I'm finding this thread very interesting.
> >
> >Tom
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: Jim Brown <[hidden email]>
> >Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2004 8:22 pm
> >Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Microphone for K2
> >
> >> I must not have been clear. it is not "another option" -- it's
> >> precisely the
> >> Plantronics headset I noted I had seen at Fry's Electronics. So
> >> everything
> >> that applies to making a cell phone headset work applies equally
> >> to
> >> making the PC headset work.
> >>
> >> The point is that these headsets differ only in 1) the quality of
> >> the headset
> >> and mic elements; 2) Physical comfort; 3) the connector(s) on the
> >> end. All
> >> of the Plantronics headsets have noise cancelling mics. Bill,
> >> NY9H, has
> >> observed that these capsules (and the capsules used in the VERY
> >> expensive ham mics) sell for half a dollar or less without the
> >> name of the
> >> very expensive ham mic marketing company on them.
> >>
> >> Another point. Plantronics is an old line telecommunications
> >> company.
> >> The "Altec Lansing" NAME was purchased at least a decade ago, is
> >> applied to cheap junk from the far east, and sold. There is no
> >> connection
> >> (other than this sale of the name) between the company using the
> >> name
> >> and the company that MADE the name a household word for high
> >> quality
> >> audio. In spite of its pedigree, I'll bet your headset works a
> >> treat on the K2!
> >>
> >> What can be very tricky to get to work is a headset with an inline
> >> PTT
> >> switch sold to work with a ham talkie. In essence, you have to do
> >> major
> >> surgery on what is a very delicate (and cheap) switch with very
> >> tiny and
> >> delicate wiring to either disable it or rewire it to work with a
> >> radio for which
> >> it was not intended. I  bought one of these new at a hamfest. VERY
> >> bad
> >> idea.
> >>
> >> Jim Brown  K9YC
> >>
> >> --Original Message Text---
> >> From: [hidden email]
> >> Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 19:08:31 EDT
> >>
> >> Another option may be to use a PC microphone/headset that are
> >> available in the market
> >> at very low prices. I use an Altec Lansing AHS-201 headset
> >> electret boom microphone
> >> with a single earpiece with my K2. As the headset is terminated in
> >> the standard 2 x
> >> 3.5mm stereo jacks I made up the necessary connectors and a PTT in
> >> a small plastic
> >> box with two leads out for the K2,  8 pin mic connector and a
> >> 3.5mm stereo plug for the
> >> headphone connector. A foot switch could be added if desired for
> >> PTT. The +5V bias
> >> voltage is already available at P1 on the K2 Front Panel board.
> >> All it takes is a suitable
> >> resistor to provide the bias voltage needed from the +5V on P1 pin
> >> 6 to the designated
> >> AF pin or pin 1 on the K2/KSB2 side. There is already a 2.2uF
> >> isolating capacitor, C34
> >> on the KSB2 I/P, so no other isolation is required with the
> >> standard K2/KSB2. The bias
> >> voltage needed for the Altec Lansing AHS-201 does not seem
> >> critical. I used a single
> >> AA 1.5V dry cell in tests and with that was able to overdrive the
> >> K2 in the microphone
> >> high setting.
> >>
> >> An added advantage with this particular headset is the microphone
> >> is noise cancelling
> >> for use in noisy situations and the earpiece seems to work well
> >> with the K2 giving a
> >> good RX audio level. I had built the setup originally to use with
> >> a Yaesu VHF/UHF
> >> mobile and it was pleasing to find that it worked very well with
> >> the K2. Trying it out was
> >> easy as I already used the Yaesu standard for the K2 8 pin
> >> microphone connector. The
> >> Altec Lansing AHS-201 should be retailed from about $10 in the
> >> USA. The obsolete
> >> AHS-15 should also work well at an even cheaper price if still
> >> available.
> >> Bob, G3VVT
> >> K2 #4168
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Elecraft mailing list
> >> Post to: [hidden email]
> >> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> >> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> >> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> >> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> >> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
> >>
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Elecraft mailing list
> >Post to: [hidden email]
> >You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> >Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> >Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> >Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
> >
> >
>Jean-François Ménard, VA2VYZ
>[hidden email]
>Club des Astronomes Amateurs de Sherbrooke
>Club Radio Amateur de l'Estrie
>Elecraft mailing list
>Post to: [hidden email]
>You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
>Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: Microphone for K2

Bill Steffey NY9H
a radio shack electret element ????

I did have one , but sold it ,,,, I never bothered to dis assemble to look.
Look at mouser , digikey  newark or anyone. The most expensive electrestr ,
from the guys who make them are all about .50 - 1.30 $.

The custom plastic housings, dealer profit (for sitting on a bunch of boxes)
profit for keeping a part number in the big computer...all add up to why
YOU Can do it yourself,,,   desk microphones & speakers boxes.

As a radio commercial in Chicago for a local copy machine dealer says :
" there's no prestige in paying more when you don't need to ."

but there are markets for IC7800 Orions & K2s....... take your pick....


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