Missing 12v for oscillator on XV222

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Missing 12v for oscillator on XV222

Rajiv Dewan, N2RD
  I am having a problem with a recently built XV222.  When I initially
buit it, it was working and went thru the calibration & testing with
flying colors.  After initial testing it sat on the shelf for a while.  
I tried to use it for a recent VHF contest.  The symptom:
No 12V on JP9 Pin 1 and so there is no 12V for the oscillator.
There is 12 V on Pin 5 and Pin 3 of JP9.  The 5V regulator U4 also has
12V input.

Any suggestions?

As an aside, the XV144 that I built is working fine.


Rajiv Dewan, N2RD

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