I don't mean to re-hash the same subject either, but I guess I missed the end of this discussion also.
Regarding the vertical tube that comes from the stand to the mic, can someone tell me if the threads on the bottom section are supposed to screw all of the way into the base? Mine goes in about half way and then there is a few rows of threads still visible. I haven't tried to apply too much pressure as I don't want to strip the threads that are already in the base.
Or, perhaps I have it upside down?
K2 1103
----- Original Message -----
From: John <
[hidden email]>
Date: Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:25 pm
Subject: [Elecraft] Missing knurled ring on Heil mic?
> What was the final outcome on the Heil deskmic knurled ring that
> was cussed
> and discussed here a while back? Should there have been 1 or 2
> rings with
> the mic? Mine had 1 and it went together ok but it would probably
> look
> better with the second ring. If there should be 2, how do we go
> about
> getting the second one?
> --
> John K7SVV
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