Missing parts

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Missing parts

Jeremiah McCarthy
Here is a list of a few places I have found "missing" parts...Caught up amongst the resistors on the resistor tape...Stuck, by way of their wire leads, in the flaps and seams of envelopes...Stuck in the tape used to seal the plastic tubes containing relays...Stuck in the ridges of these same plastic tubes, a common place for small connector pins to get lost...Stuck inside various jacks...Stuck inside connector back shells...Stuck inside the holes in the binocular core...Stuck in the sleeve of my shirt...<G>...

Jerry, wa2dkg
K2 # 2549
KX1 # 839
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Re: Missing parts

Deep in the carpet on the floor ... Previously deep in the carpet and
now resembling dust after rolling the chair over it ... In the vacuum
bag (I banned the vacuum from the shack for the duration)

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Jeremiah McCarthy wrote:

> Here is a list of a few places I have found "missing" parts...Caught up amongst the resistors on the resistor tape...Stuck, by way of their wire leads, in the flaps and seams of envelopes...Stuck in the tape used to seal the plastic tubes containing relays...Stuck in the ridges of these same plastic tubes, a common place for small connector pins to get lost...Stuck inside various jacks...Stuck inside connector back shells...Stuck inside the holes in the binocular core...Stuck in the sleeve of my shirt...<G>...
> Jerry, wa2dkg
> K2 # 2549
> KX1 # 839
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Re: Missing parts

Neal Campbell and Sarah Ferrell
My worst experience (and most embarrasing!) is that when I got my box
of parts for my K2, for some reason I took the bag with the parts for
the control board and stuck it in a drawer in my basement. So when I
got to that part in the instructions, I could not find it and of course
assumed Elecraft had not sent it. I shot a panic'ed email to the parts
account and got back a response of 'boy that is very worrisome!' I was
looking for something unrelated to the kit in that drawer and
immediately saw I had made a huge mistake!

For the record, I have not seen any missing parts, only those I lost in
the rug/vacuum cleaner, etc.

On Jan 22, 2005, at 1:42 PM, Fred Jensen wrote:

> Deep in the carpet on the floor ... Previously deep in the carpet and
> now resembling dust after rolling the chair over it ... In the vacuum
> bag (I banned the vacuum from the shack for the duration)
> Fred K6DGW
> Auburn CA CM98lw
> Jeremiah McCarthy wrote:
>> Here is a list of a few places I have found "missing" parts...Caught
>> up amongst the resistors on the resistor tape...Stuck, by way of
>> their wire leads, in the flaps and seams of envelopes...Stuck in the
>> tape used to seal the plastic tubes containing relays...Stuck in the
>> ridges of these same plastic tubes, a common place for small
>> connector pins to get lost...Stuck inside various jacks...Stuck
>> inside connector back shells...Stuck inside the holes in the
>> binocular core...Stuck in the sleeve of my shirt...<G>...
>> Jerry, wa2dkg
>> K2 # 2549
>> KX1 # 839
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Re: Missing parts

In reply to this post by k6dgw
Fred Jensen wrote:

> Deep in the carpet on the floor ...

Since one or more of my cats decided that the carpet in my shack/shop was dirty
enough to qualify it as a Cat Latrine, I pulled it up and installed a
light-colored vinyl tile floor.  I actually got the tile for free (left over
from a commercial job).

This is the BEST improvement that I've ever made!  It's added years to my useful
life -- years that used to be spent crawling around looking for parts --
improved the lighting, reduced static, etc.

Sometimes cats are smarter than humans.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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