Mods, mods, mods for #1107

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Mods, mods, mods for #1107

Allen Ward-2
Yesterday I put the "SWR" mod in my KPA100 for my K2  #1107 which was
purchased on 3-29-2000.  No problems and the rig worked fine as usual after
the mod.  I got to thinking that it seems like I have been doing mods for
four years and it must have cost me a fortune.  I got out my invoices (I
have never thrown ANYTHING away) and ran a total on my mods and the original
cost of the K2 and all modules and updates.  I have a K2 with a KPA100, a
SSB module, a 160 meter module, a noise blanker and a DSP module.  Todays
price for these is a total of $1344.00.  I then ran a total on my K2 with
new crystals, PPL mod, 2nd filter mod. BFO mod, shield mod, firmware
upgrades, etc., etc. and got a total of $1345.00.  So over four years of
adding mods (I admit some didn't cost anything) I had to spend a whole
dollar more than I could have bought the same end product today.  Of course
I had four years of use of an outstanding tranceiver and the enjoyment of
making the mods and dealing with a company that furnishes free online
documentation and service second to none.  I think I got my money's worth!!
Allen KA5N

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RE: Mods, mods, mods for #1107

Steven Pituch
Hi Allen,
That was a very interesting analysis.
I have an unmodified K2 (#402) which I hope to upgrade and add some nice
options soon.  But I must say I am very pleased with its unmodified
performance.  I've gotten 11 out of 12 Foxes with it so far for the Winter
40M QRP Foxhunt. It is really true that the older K2s have never gone
obsolete; even the first 100 "XC" units are still fully competitive.

Steve, W2MY/5

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Re: Mods, mods, mods for #1107

Hi Steven
Yes, the old dogs still have a sharp bite.
S/n 12 here is still going strong, with no
upgrades in it yet.
Just finished the 10m contest, and did as
well as could be expected during the low
part of the solar cycle.
I work all the major contests with #12
running barefoot at 5w.  
Give no quarter, take no prisoners :-)
Good luck and 73
Bob N6WG
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