My First K2 to K2 QSO!

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My First K2 to K2 QSO!

Mark J. Schreiner
I'm sure most of you have done this already, but I've just made my first K2 to K2 QSO.  I had just finished a QSO and was going to go QRT for the night when I heard another station calling me.  N0TK in the Denver area gave me a nice report even though I was struggling to pull his info out of the "ether".  Just as I was about to sign off he told me he was using a K2 (I think he had been listening to my previous QSO), so we hung in there long enough to exchange K2 Serial Numbers!  

Maybe I'll get a chance to check into the ECN this week and work some other 'Crafters!


Mark, NK8Q
Allentown, PA
K2 4786
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