If the KDSP2 module is plugged in all the way, it usually takes quite a
bit of force to remove it.
Back to your power on problem - the usual cause of that problem is a
short between the PA transistors and the heat sink. Measure the
resistance between the collector(s) of Q7 and Q8 and ground. If it is
close to zero, remove the heat sink and check for any particles of
aluminum embeded in the thermal pads.
Then put the heat sink back on and check the voltage at the base of Q7
or Q8 when you power on. If you see the voltage spike up (before the
fuse trips), then you may have a collector to bese leakage in one of the
PA Transistors - either remove Q7 and Q8, or remove T3 to take the 12
volt source off Q7.Q8 and see if that allows power to come on normally.
If so, replace Q7 and Q8 as well as Q11 and Q13 (the K2PAKT contains all
those replacements.
W7TMD wrote:
> Also I checked the astron and voltage looks good. and I checked F1 and it
> gets super hot then switches everything off.So at least that's working
> working.
> While looking at the DSP Module C2 had come completely off and was
> laying on the main PC board!! Looks like it just fell off.. How weird
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