I don't have the proper answer, but I can guess that a lot will depend on
your intended keying method. Direct keying of the K2, the software should
not influence the QSK performance, but if you are using WINKEY thru Carl's
program, there may be some program latency. I do know that keying directly
through the Windows interface can cause some timing problems since Windows
wants to control the timing, and that was why Carl added WinKey support.
You may find more responses by asking on Carl's 'Yahoo group' forum for the
N4PY software - or send a note to Carl himself - he is quite responsive to
questions of that sort.
> -----Original Message-----
> I wonder if anyone has tried Carl, N4PY's program using two K2's. I am
> specifically interested in the qsk performance when utilizing the "dual
> receive" capability. Of course any other comments would be
> welcome as well..
> Thanks in advance
> Tim
> NZ8J
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