N4PY Software for Dual K2s - How?

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N4PY Software for Dual K2s - How?

Brian Wruble
Hi Guys:

I am just finishing up my 2nd K2, and I am intrigued by the idea of using
dual K2s in split operations.  I was wondering if others have tried this,
and how one might manage to use the same antenna for transmit and receive
while not feeding high RF from the transmit K2 into the receive K2.  

Tnx de Brian W3BW

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Re: N4PY Software for Dual K2s - How?

It's called a "Receiver Front-end Protector".  See WX0B.
73, Joe, aa4nn

> Hi Guys:
> I am just finishing up my 2nd K2, and I am intrigued by the idea of using
> dual K2s in split operations.  I was wondering if others have tried this,
> and how one might manage to use the same antenna for transmit and receive
> while not feeding high RF from the transmit K2 into the receive K2.  
> Tnx de Brian W3BW

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