I click and hold on the "REV" button which will give you VFO B and allow you
to tune to where you want. Releasing "REV" will put you back to split mode.
This is a little faster and sometimes can make the difference. I use this on
my Pegasus (I'm still building my K2) and assume It will work the same way
on the K2.
Tom, AK2B
"Finally I hit on the right combination. Use a narrow filter on VFO A to be
sure I could hear him clearly. Use a wide filter on VFO B to listen to the
pileup. Then, as soon as he finishes with one QSO, click the A/B button on
the N4PY software so you are listening to the pileup. Quickly search for a
quiet hole in the mob, tune VFO B there, click A/B again, and start sending
your call."
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