N4PY Software

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N4PY Software

Parker Buckley
"Basic control of the DSP unit with NP4Y software has been available for many months now."


I'm interested in your post about programming the buttons for DSP.  I tried that also, but maybe not the same way.  I set one button for DISPLAY, and another for BAND+.   I then hit them in the sequence you stated.  The problem is that without some indication on the computer screen, I can't tell what state the rig is in unless it's close enough to look at.  For example, if I hit the BAND+ button first by mistake, then I've just changed bands.  Maybe you set up a more foolproof way to do it.  As I understand it, Carl is planning to create new buttons to allow direct control of the DSP without a sequence of button pushing as with the basic K2.

Parker WD8JOL
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