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ussv dharma
N9AA...per your comments...then since you like cw....but it is an outdated mode....give it up and join the rest of the cb=ers and get on ssb.
Sorry, just venting my spleen.  Pactor is in sections of the band normally not used by cw.  I, myself am an avid cw user.  Pactor users should, like all amatuers, listen first....DO YOU?

I think there is room on the bands for all modes and uses.  "no non amatuer contact on the bands"  Guess you are a new ham and do not remember the NTS and hamgrams.

If you don't change direction you WILL arrive exactly where you're headed!!
Susan Meckley, Skipper W7KFI-mm  AFA9SM
                         USSV DHARMA
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Re: N9AA

Scott Manthe-2
Yes, I guess you could say I am a new ham, having only been licensed
since 1977. Despite this, I've sent and delivered a few hamgrams, and
the difference between them and Pactor is that a ham had to be the
intermediary, as opposed to sending a communication directly to someone
who is not licensed. The same was true of the NTS, so these are not
analogous with Pactor or any of the other automated email forwarding
modes. I really can't understand why people don't get the distinction,
because it really isn't all that subtle.

We've been asked to end this thread, so let's do so.

Scott, N9AA

On 4/30/12 1:52 PM, ussv dharma wrote:

> N9AA...per your comments...then since you like cw....but it is an outdated mode....give it up and join the rest of the cb=ers and get on ssb.
> Sorry, just venting my spleen.  Pactor is in sections of the band normally not used by cw.  I, myself am an avid cw user.  Pactor users should, like all amatuers, listen first....DO YOU?
> I think there is room on the bands for all modes and uses.  "no non amatuer contact on the bands"  Guess you are a new ham and do not remember the NTS and hamgrams.
> If you don't change direction you WILL arrive exactly where you're headed!!
> Susan Meckley, Skipper W7KFI-mm  AFA9SM
>                           USSV DHARMA

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