Subject: NEW Dust Cover -Elecraft/Bencher Hex Key Paddle (Source)
Good Morning All,
Since my original post yesterday concerning a source for the new Bencher/Elecraft
Hex Key, I have had many private emails requesting the info. And at the recommendation
of the administrator, I am posting the URL of the maker of this great addition to the Hex
key. Please note that I have no affiliation or interest in this source. I asked him if he
could make a cover for my Hex key, we exchanged a few FAX's with the dimensions and
yesterday my cover arrived. I am very pleased with the cover, the workmanship and the
cost. Since I seem to be having no luck in posting the URL (messages are rejected and I'm guessing that is the reason. The Url is as follows less the http www thingy. Try manually inserting this before the below info:
If this doesn't work, I give up, hi.
If you scroll down the page, you will see the actual cover he made for me.
Good luck and 72
Tony, W4FOA
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