Hi All,
Here is the results for the 2004 Fall NJQRP Homebrewer Sprint. Look for the next Homebrewer Sprint on USA Sunday evening on March 28,2005 0000 UTC. Additional info is planned on the NJQRP website and/or future Homebrewer CD. I hope all enjoyed the sprint! 72 de Ken [hidden email] 2004 Spring NJQRP Homebrewer Sprint Results Call Mode QSOs Points X SPCs X PWR = Score ------------------------------------------------------- N9NE CW 97 388 52 7 141,232 N4BP CW 78 312 41 7 89,544 K3ESE CW 68 272 36 7 68,544 K4BAI CW 85 112 49 7 58,310 K7TQ CW 44 168 29 7 34,104 K0ZK CW 42 168 28 7 32,928 W5KDJ CW 24 96 22 15 31,680 AD6GI CW 36 144 31 7 31,248 W0UFO CW 41 164 26 7 29,848 K8DDB CW 34 136 29 7 27,608 WA8REI CW 48 96 32 7 21,504 KB2FEL CW 30 120 19 7 15,960 WA3FAE CW 27 108 18 7 13,608 NJ0E CW 22 88 20 7 12,320 KD5UDB CW 18 74 16 10 11,520 N9LTV MIX 22 88 18 7 11,088 N7CEE CW 16 64 14 7 6,272 KH6B CW 14 56 14 7 5,488 VE7NI CW 12 48 11 7 3,696 K4AQ CW 18 36 14 7 3,528 KE2WB CW 11 44 11 7 3,388 WB7AEI CW 10 40 8 10 3,200 W0OOW CW 9 36 8 10 2,880 WB9JTK CW 11 44 9 7 2,772 N2CX CW 6 24 5 7 840 W1PID CW 5 20 5 7 700 NI8W CW 5 20 5 7 700 Check Log: WQ2RP CW 56 198 35 7 48,610 OP N2CQ -----------------------OPERATOR COMMENTS--------------- N9NE: I had quite a day. Up at 2:30 am to drive to neighboring city for 6 am running of 26.2 mile marathon. Dragged across finish line at 11:16 am. (no 2:04 ET for this 61 year-old!). Home to nap and partially recuperate. Up at 5:30 pm to eat and get rig and computer set up for the sprint. Four hours of fun, and finally to bed at midnight. Rig is K2 @ 5 watts to quad-band beam and 176' doublet. High points: working John, K4BAI, on three bands, and Dean, KH6B on 40 meters. Nice to work some new calls/faces as well as the regular QRP crowd! de Todd, Oshkosh, WI --------- N4BP: Rig : Elecraft K2 Antennas : 40M Dipole @ 35ft All antennas taken down for Charley, Frances, Ivan, Jeanne, etc. Put back up my 40M dipole for the Sprint. 20M usually my best band, but dipole performance not very good there. de Bob, Plantation, FL --------- K3ESE: Setup: multiPIG+ at 5W into an 88' EDZ up 45', on 20M, and a 302' horizontal loop on all three bands, up about 50', both fed with balanced line and tuned with a ZM-2. Very fun event, but...long! Very tired at the end, about to doze. I've seen better conditions, and also worse, so it was not too bad, skip-wise. Nice to work Ken, at the Mothership! 72 es oo, Lloyd, Reisterstown, Maryland ---------- K4BAI: Rig: Yaesu FT1000MP, 4W. Ant: TH6DXX Beam & Inverted V dipole. I enjoyed it even though I don't have any homebrew gear. QRN built toward the end and activity dropped, so I didn't stay for the last 45 minutes, hi. 73 de John, Columbus, GA --------- K7TQ: de Randy, Moscow, ID --------- K0ZK: I operated from home QTH using indoor 20 metre dipole on 20 and 40 metres. Elecraft K2 s/n 692. Condx poor until last hour, but did work KH6B on 20 which was nice. 72 de Arn, Lebanon, ME --------- W5KDJ: K1-4 at 249MW, ANTENNA(S): Mosley 7 element. Bands open to the west, worked KH6B. Had good time but I was to tired to complete entire contest. de Wayne, Spring, TX --------- AD6GI: Rig: Elecraft K2, 5 watts Antennas: 15M, 40M and 80M - 40M short dipole up 40 feet 20M - Dipole up 25 feet Nice cndx for test. Gud openings to east coast. Tnx to all for great ears and ur patience with me. Looking forward to the next one. 73, Chuck, Sunnyvale, CA --------- W0UFO: Used K-1 at 5W to 20M dipole and 40M tuner to 180ft wire. from cabin at Pine County MN. Thanks for another good Sprint. de Mert, Pine County MN --------- K8DDB: Rig: Sierra, POWER OUTPUT 5 watts ANTENNA(S): G5RV at 37 feet I had a good time in the contest and worked a new state for 80 meters W.A.S. as a bonus. I'd forgotten how much fun my Sierra is! de Mike, Vulcan, MI --------- WA8REI: Operated out in the wilderness on a hilltop using battery power, but inside my 21 ft motor home. Lots of fun but not many stations heard in call districts 1, 3, 6 and 7. W5KDJ's 250MW was FB! 73,72 and oink-oink to all! Ken, Ogemaw County, MI -------- KB2FEL: HW-9 (20-40-80M) 4 Watts. 4BTV vertical and G5RV de Bob, Valley Stream, NY -------- WA3FAE: My rig is an Elecraft KX1 using a 88 foot EDZ at 35 feet with an LDG RT-11 tuner. I forgot this was Contest night! It's very enjoyable to work fellow QRPers. Everybody works hard to dig weak stations out of the mud, seeings how we are all in the same mud pit! Can't wait for next year. de Forrest, Woodbine, MD --------- NJ0E: Rig: ten-tec t-kit 1320 (3W)for 20m, and a small wonder labs sw40+ (2W)for 40m. The antenna was an 80m horizontal loop. I was still pooped from my QRP entry in the Texas QSO Party. Many thanks for sponsoring a fun event! 73, Scott, Dripping Springs, Texas ----------- KD5UDB: Hello all, Had a great time as usual. I decided to try this Sprint at 1 watt and found that although I had to repeat a few exchanges, everyone I heard, I worked!. Lloyd - K3ESE and Bob - N4BP were "blowing my headphones off" loud into S. Louisiana as usual, and worked them both on 20 and 40 meters. Thanks to everyone who made this possible. My rig was a K1 on internal batteries and turned down to 1 watt. The antenna was my usual 20 and 40 meter fan dipole installed about 20 feet high over the roof of the house. de Chris, Baton Rouge, LA ----------- N9LTV: Rig: K-1, PSK20 & Dipoles Worked only 20 and 40. A fun contest! Wish I would have worked the entire time. Worked 2 PSK stations on 20 but they weren't in the contest. Wish there were more. de Rod, Carterville, IL ----------- N7CEE: Rig: Elecraft K-2 @ 5W. Antennas: 170 foot 80 foot end fed wires with 66' counterpoise. I operated from the Pine Forest Range in NW Nevada during a photo shoot for a book project. 72 de Bruce ----------- KH6B: Rig: K-2, internal battery, NORCAL paddles, RS PRO-35 headphones. Antenna: 284' sloping Diamond Loop. Nice sprint. Worked 'ME' to 'CA' and 'WA' to 'GA'. I even have 'HI' in my log! 72, Aloha de Dean, Hilo, HI ---------- VE7NI: Rig is Ten Tec 1340 QRP kit with 5 watts output power. Antenna is a 40M inverted vee 40' at the apex. Great fun with QRP as usual and lots of good operators! de John, Kamloops, BC --------- K4AQ: Yaesu FT-897 transceiver operated at 5 watts into an OCF 28-gauge insulated wire stealth antenna up 40 feet in heavy foliage trees next to I-75 in downtown Atlanta industrial area. SGC SG-237 Smartuner. WriteLog 10.48f. de Matt, Atlanta, GA --------- KE2WB: Rig: K2 Operating Time = 1.2 hours Also used a homebrewed logging program de John, Augusta, GA --------- WB7AEI: Same equipment as usual (HB superhet RX, 1W VFO TX, and all HB accessories) less the 5 watt power amp. Must say I was pleased at how the 1 watt got out, especially with the EFHWA antenna up 17 feet at the highest. The band seemed good actually, although signals weren't strong. Worked more than ever before, although some like N4BP just weren't possible. Highlight was hooking up with WQ2RP, although it must have taken 5 minutes and 50 repeats of my call to get thru. Thanks for the fun! 72's, Phil, Kent, WA ----------- W0OOW: Rig: SWL20 POWER OUTPUT 1W. ANTENNA(S): 3/2 WAVE Stuck on 20 gggrrrrrrrrr de Steve, Johnson NE ----------- WB9JTK: Elecraft KX1, kit.... 3 watt output. Second hurricane went by Saturday. Antenna was a dipole 13 feet in the air in the middle and 5 feet on the ends. Ran rig from a car battery. Glad it had a "logging light" in it! I ordered it right after hurricane Frances. When electricty came back on I built it and had some fun. Then the next hurricane came by. No damage to the house, but no electricity so I was sure glad I had this rig since there was nothing else to do for many days. 73 de Alan, Delray Beach, FL ---------- W1PID: Rig: DSW 40 2W. Antenna: Windom OCF Dipole Thanks! de Jim, Sanbornton, NH ---------- WQ2RP: (N2CQ opr) Many thanks for your interest and activity in the Homebrewer Sprint. The rig here is the K1-4 at 5 watts on 20m and 40m and a Kenwood TS-850sat for 80m. The antenna is a random end fed wire (40m-80m) and TA33jr tribander (20m). Hope to see you again in the next NJ QRP Homebrewer Sprint on Mar 28, 2005 0000z 72 de Ken, Woodbury, NJ ----------- _______________________________________________ Elecraft mailing list Post to: [hidden email] You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com |
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