NP4Y Software

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NP4Y Software

Ben Dalfen
Parker, you misunderstood me. The one button which I defined "denoiser" is
the only button necessary to turn the denoiser on or off.  The button can
hold multiple switch values. Entering the values 02 01 02 02 commands the
button to activate the display , activate the Band+ feature, and then
activate the display  twice more which  returns you to the frequency
display. This all happens in an instant. Of course you should check that
your display is showing the usual frequency mode before you hit the
"denoiser" button.
Similarly, the "notch" button values entered are 02 03 02 02. In effect
this changes the display once, activates Band- and then activates display
twice more. Of course you should not use the "notch" button if you are in
CW mode.
Another of my user definable buttons is labeled "AFIL" in which I entered
only one switch value 29.
This button simply raises the DSP audio filter up another notch.
73, Ben Dalfen 4X1BD

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