NP4Y software

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NP4Y software

Ben Dalfen
Basic control of the DSP unit with NP4Y software has been available for
many months now. There are 6 user controllable buttons for K2 users to add
their favorite functions. I use one button for the denoiser and the other
for  notching out tones in SSB.  One press of the denoiser button activates
display then denoiser activation then display twice more to instantly bring
you back to your frequency display. Works like a charm.
My favorite feature however, is the panoramic band display.
Ben Dalfen 4X1BD

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Re: NP4Y software

Charles Greene

Good tip.  However, while there are 6 user controls in N4PY there are only
4 unused buttons.  If someone would tell me how to use the other two user
controls, I would appreciate it.  I have used Ham Radio Deluxe which also
does a good job on the K2.  It has a button called AFIL, and when pushed
will cycle through the 4 DSP bandpass filters which use the same key as the
audio filter.   It would be better to program the button to select the
function rather than cycle through the selections.  For example, in HRD, it
has a button that says FIL,  Press it, and you have 4 selections, FL1, FL2,
FL3 and FL4.  You don't have to cycle through them. You do need to watch
the K2 display to see what some of these user control buttons do.  Some
things are done better on HRD and some done are better on N4PY.

73, Chas

At 02:35 AM 1/24/2005, Ben Dalfen wrote:
>Basic control of the DSP unit with NP4Y software has been available for
>many months now. There are 6 user controllable buttons for K2 users to add
>their favorite functions. I use one button for the denoiser and the other
>for  notching out tones in SSB.  One press of the denoiser button
>activates display then denoiser activation then display twice more to
>instantly bring you back to your frequency display. Works like a charm.
>My favorite feature however, is the panoramic band display.
>Ben Dalfen 4X1BD

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