Need a kaput D-104 mic

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Need a kaput D-104 mic

I have had a D-104 in use for many years and I got to thinking that 104 mic
has lots of room for both HC-4 and HC-5 elements along with a spdt switch.
I might even build the preamp that was just mentioned in another thread. I
don't want to alter my good working mic so I am looking for one that doesn't
work.  Does anyone have one that they would like to part with?  I don't
really need the base, just the mic.

John   K7SVV

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Re: Need a kaput D-104 mic

Don Nesbitt
Hi John - I don't have an extra but I am doing exactly what you describe -
have both cartridges in the same D-104 head with a mini toggle switch
mounted in the rounded side of the head down near the plug assembly.  A
simple flick of my finger to switch from one to the other.

I'm using that head on an amplified base to overcome the very low output of
both the HC-4 and HC-5.  But - the proverbial "but" - frankly I think that
the original D-104 xtal cartridge is much better than either - to me, it
just has more punch and better "articulation" and most of my contacts agree!
YMMV Have at it!  73  --don n4hh K2/100 #2028, etc, etc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "John" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft Mail List" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:46 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Need a kaput D-104 mic

> I have had a D-104 in use for many years and I got to thinking that 104
> has lots of room for both HC-4 and HC-5 elements along with a spdt switch.
> I might even build the preamp that was just mentioned in another thread. I
> don't want to alter my good working mic so I am looking for one that

> work.  Does anyone have one that they would like to part with?  I don't
> really need the base, just the mic.
> John   K7SVV
> ---
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> Version: 6.0.778 / Virus Database: 525 - Release Date: 10/15/2004
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