Need a little help

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Need a little help

Is there someone out there who really understands the Ref Osc/PLL/VCO
circuitry that could correspond with me a bit?  I've gotten as far as
VFO Linearization which won't run.  Some tracing and measuring suggests
some thing is wrong in this part of the circuit ... all RF levels are
quite low, and some of the waveforms aren't what I expected.

I have a DMM, a Tektronix dual-trace scope, and a CTS 3000B Service
Monitor.  What I don't have is a good understanding of exactly what is
going on here.  My electronic design and troubleshooting skills dropped
considerably with the invention of the transistor, and fell in the tank
when IC's came along.

Given the volume and diversity of traffic on this reflector, I think an
off-line discussion would be warranted.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA
<[hidden email]>

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