Wow - 98 against, 2 for.
Everyone seems perfectly satisfied with managing
their own archives and email pile, via their
own email programs. I'm surprised. Industry,
and commercial orgs - DO NOT go the reflector
mail-based route. I refuse to load my email
provider down with the endless Elecraft messages
that come thru by the hour. I'd rather a formum
server do this, and catalog the messages, and
structure all the hundreds of topic types.
Microsoft's OUTLOOK EXPRESS is one of the
most spam & virus ridden places on one's PC.
I have never used, nor would I think of using
it on my PC's. Gmail, IMHO, is somewhat
of a joke - for a modern email system.
Cumbersome is a good descriptor, for gmail.
I use Elecraft REFLECTOR - as it time manages
all the user messages that get posted. So I
then pour down thru them all, in chronological
order - trying to make sense out of who posted
what about what topic. That is what they make
forum BB's for!
I've got a lot of time, retired, but I'm not
going to spend my time - sorting and saving
and cataloging Elecraft member emails -
why would I need to do that? There are very
well tuned software forum tools out there -
that do that for us.
I found out the the forum software I referenced,
is a free, ans supported product, free for the
asking. In the referenced forum,
when they changed over to their current system -
it took like 1 or 2 weeks for all the posters
and customers to roll over. It just happened.
I'm quite sure people and customers - don't
patronize and buy Elecraft electronic products,
because of the REFLECTOR tool!
I suspect, even Bill Gates would turn over in
his ............ on this topic. IMHO
de N3CSY, Fred, FL, NY
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