New Elecraft edition of the high performance Bencher Hexkey paddle

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New Elecraft edition of the high performance Bencher Hexkey paddle

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
For some time we have been looking for a quality desktop CW paddle to
complement the K1, K2 and KX1. Bob Locher at Bencher has worked with us
to create a special edition of his new HexKey paddle for us with a
unique Elecraft serial sequence stamped into its base, starting with s/n
001. This paddle derives its mechanism from the famous mercury paddle
that Bencher also manufactures. It has a heavy hexagonal black base with
a chrome magnetically tensioned mechanism with gold contacts. From the
first time I tried it I was hooked :-)


I've added it to our order form and we have them in stock. Bencher lists
the regular HexKey for $195. We are offering the Elecraft special
edition for $179.95.

We will also have them with us at Pacificon this weekend.

I'll upload a full web page describing it in more detail next week after
we return from Pacificon.

73, Eric

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RE: New Elecraft edition of the high performance BencherHexkey paddle

Robert McGwier

As as cw op forever,  I gotta tell you, this is absolutely the cat's
meow.  I was able to play with one for a half hour or so at HRO.

I will have to have one.  Do not expect to take that refugee from
the weight room back packing but in the home QTH, it is at the top
of the heap of all I have touched.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Eric Swartz -
WA6HHQ, Elecraft
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 7:06 PM
To: Elecraft List
Subject: [Elecraft] New Elecraft edition of the high performance
BencherHexkey paddle

For some time we have been looking for a quality desktop CW paddle to
complement the K1, K2 and KX1. Bob Locher at Bencher has worked with us
to create a special edition of his new HexKey paddle for us with a
unique Elecraft serial sequence stamped into its base, starting with s/n
001. This paddle derives its mechanism from the famous mercury paddle
that Bencher also manufactures. It has a heavy hexagonal black base with
a chrome magnetically tensioned mechanism with gold contacts. From the
first time I tried it I was hooked :-)


I've added it to our order form and we have them in stock. Bencher lists
the regular HexKey for $195. We are offering the Elecraft special
edition for $179.95.

We will also have them with us at Pacificon this weekend.

I'll upload a full web page describing it in more detail next week after
we return from Pacificon.

73, Eric

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