New Hex Key is Great!

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New Hex Key is Great!

Rick Tavan N6XI
Thanks to Eric of Elecraft for delivering Hex Key # E006 to me at
Pacificon yesterday. Today I wired it up and it felt terrific. What
better way to break it in than the FOC Bill Windle QSO Party? This is
a club that celebrates everything good about CW, so I jumped in and
made a few dozen Qs with the new key, sending everything manually and
logging in my general QSO log. Not only does this paddle feel good,
but also I immediately noticed I was sending better, with far fewer
errors than usual. It's a bargain compared to the list price at OEM
Bencher (a fine outfit, too) and makes a great addition to the shack.

For those of you who enjoy working some great CW ops, try the BW QSO
Party going on right now.  If you aren't an FOC member, just send RST
and your name. Members send RST, name and member number.

/Rick N6XI
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