New K2 owner- question on first start up

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New K2 owner- question on first start up

Jerry Deibel
Hello to all.

I just finished the alignment and test , Part 1 for my new K2, #4472.
I have 2 questions for the group.  
On initial power up the first time, everything is ok , but the PRE annunciator comes on all the time.  The manual says that only the C (cw mode), 7100.00 (freq display) and VFO A annunciator should be on.  I can turn the PRE off,  but the next time I power up, it comes on again.
The second question is the menu display for the "T" character.  For example, ST L 040 has for the letter "T", a "E" character with the top horizontal line missing. It is like that for all menu items that have a "T" in them.

Only other problems I has so far was the resistance check on the display board.   J1 pin 16 (ICLK) read about 65k ohms not what it should be, between 25 -35K.   But  U1 pin 2 (ICLK)  read good, between 25-35k.   It turned out that I didn't have the U1 chip seated all the way in.

 Hope someone can answer the questions.

jerry  , n2uz
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