New Operating Award for 2005

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New Operating Award for 2005

Larry Makoski W2LJ
The newly formed North American QRP CW Club is sponsoring a new award
for the coming year.  Since 2005 is a mere three weeks away; now is a
good time for all you folks begin thinking about it.
The award is "The QSO a Day Award"; and it's purpose is to increase QRP
CW activity on the air waves.

The goal is simple to remember - make at least one QRP CW QSO a day -
every day!  You can earn a certificate for doing this for at least one
month; or string 'em all together and do it for a full year!  There are
twelve different classes of awards that will be issued.

The criteria are:

A ham can only earn one of the 12 classes of the award.

A QSO is defined as a legitimate contact with another amateur station
whether it be a long rag chew or a quick signal report exchange in a
contest or with a DX station.

All QSO's must be made using CW at QRP power levels, i.e. 5 watts or
less transmitter output.

None of the QSO's may come from a pre-arranged schedule with another ham.

None of the QSO's may come from a net of any kind.

For classes 2A through 3B, the months do not have to be consecutive.

A day is defined as 0000-2400 UTC.

A QSO may only count for one day, i.e. a QSO that starts at 2355 UTC on
March 4th and ends at 0010 UTC on March 5th only counts as a QSO for
March 4th. In other words the starting time of a QSO determines for
which day a QSO counts.

For ALL the details: please visit

This can be a real challenge or just a ton of fun - it's up to you!
73 es see you on the air!
Larry W2LJ

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