Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know that the new K-Board from QRPworks is now available.
It's a smart keyboard interface for the KX3 that is small and lightweight. It is used to create and send lots of messages and macros, with a wireless or wired USB keyboard. Plus more.
The free Message Management Utility, which is used to create messages and macros on a PC or Mac, and download to the K-Board is also available.
We'll be at a few conventions coming up (ARRL Rocky Mountain, Dayton Hamvention, Sea-Pac) and will be offering some package deals. Those deals are available now on our website www.QRPworks.com
The full manual is now available on our site as well. Click on Support / Manuals.
Hope to C U on the air.
Shel KF0UR & Steve KB3SII