No Audio in K2

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No Audio in K2

My K2/100 occasionally loses audio when it has been on a while with the AF  
GAIN turned down (K2 on butnotbeingused).  My K2 is an early model in the  2200
series serial number, and the AF mod was done.  It also has the KDSP2  and
the 10th digit CW LED zero tuning mod.  Whenever I lose the audio, I  cannot get
it back by turning the AF GAIN up.  The RF GAIN works  correctly and will
display all 10 digits if turned CCW while the audio is  lost.  Signals show up
normally on the S meter as I tune across the  band.  I noticed that I cannot
activate the DSP when the audio is  gone.  All other functions are normal.  The
only way I can get the  audio back is to cut the K2 off and then back on.  The
audio returns to  normal status and may remain that way until I turn the K2
backoff.  I have  the K2 grounded, but I notice the display may momentarily
change to either  power setting or keyer speed as my hand approaches the K2.  Is
this an  electrostatic condition I am going to have to live with?  Has anyone
else  experienced this?  If so, what can be done to correct this?  Roy  Morris  
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Re: No Audio in K2

[hidden email] wrote:

> My K2/100 occasionally loses audio when it has been on a while with the AF  
> GAIN turned down (K2 on butnotbeingused).  

Could the squelch (SLCH in secondary menu) be turned on?

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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