No luck with KX-1 in Peru

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No luck with KX-1 in Peru

Ray Albers
(tried posting similar message from an Internet cafe in Lima the other
day but it got bounced as not coming from me).

We just got home from a great two weeks in Peru - wife, son, daughter in
law and me, visiting daughter in law's family in Lima over xmas and new
years, plus a 4 day side trip to Cuzco, Machu Pichu, Valle Sagrado, etc.
(the side trip was made more challenging with borrowed clothes etc
thanks to Delta having misplaced all our checked baggage for a few days,
but it (including the xmas gifts) was waiting for us when we returned to

Only downer was that I made zero contacts with the KX-1. Tried operating
from hotel rooms in Lima and Cuzco, and one morning also took a walk to
a nearby park in Lima and sat on a bench with a wire up to a nearby tree
- to the amusement of dozen or so folks in a Tai Chi group nearby.
During the two weeks I heard a few weak signals - LUs, PYs, and a couple
of US stations, but no one heard me, nor were there any replies to my
many CQs. Tried all three bands at dawn, midmorning, afternoon, evening
and night. Surprisingly, I heard not a single OA station. While jogging
or being driven around Lima saw a number of tribanders on short towers
on house/apartment roofs, most with inverted Vees also, but I guess
everyone must operate 'phone? Has anyone here ever worked an OA on CW??

I did pay a visit to HQ of Radio Club Peruano (check them out on the
web), which I had heard described as "the Peruvian ARRL" - well, it's
much different from ARRL! Paid staff consists of la segretaria and el
Gerente. No labs and such, but several operating positions in soundproof
rooms, a small boatanchor collection, but mainly it's a CLUB! They have
a big on-site meeting room, and a restaurant where members can have
meals, bring family, etc. Had a nice half hour visit and tour with the
very amiable manager, Carlos OA4WD, with me struggling in my
not-at-all-good Spanish, and we finished with a coffee in the nice airy
restaurant (remember, it's now summer in the Southern Hemisphere).

Ah well, as the Amateur's code says, "The radio amateur is balanced" -
i.e., there's more to life than QRP CW. It was a great trip!


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