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Norton and P3 Utility

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Norton and P3 Utility

Elecraft mailing list
5629 posts
The answer is yes.  Norton does flag that file as a threat, and once you download it and attempt to install the .exe file, your computer will say that it cannot be found, and you will see Norton giving you a notice in the lower right of your screen, saying that it is analyzing the file.  It then turns from yellow to red, with a big "X" saying that the file was deleted and the threat is resolved.

This is where we all blurt out a colorful metaphor.

It is at this point that trust is involved, that is, that Elecraft would not put a malware file on their server.  I think we can all feel safe here!

In the box in the lower right of your screen that I mentioned above, there is a link that says "details".  Click on this.

In the next box, the details of the threat are listed, and there are links at the bottom of the box.  Click on "Restore" or "Restore File".

You are then asked if you are sure that you wish to restore the threat, and that you want Norton to ignore that file in the future.  Click on "yes".

The file will be restored, then double click on it and install the P3 utility.  Norton will then leave it alone.

Norton has become a bit more aggressive over the last several years.  I really cannot say that is a bad thing.  I'd rather deal with the hassle above than deal with a virus that trashes my computer and files.  YMMV.

I'm not certain if there is anything that a developer can do to prevent Norton or other anti-virus programs from attacking their files, whether it is a digital signature, or something else.  None of Elecraft's other utilities are considered a threat by Norton in my experience.

’73 de JIM N2ZZ

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of GRANT YOUNGMAN
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2017 8:38 AM
Cc: Elecraft
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Norton and P3 Utility

I have seen numerous reports of this particular Norton heuristic showing up in what smells like false positives in many cases, although you can’t just discount the possibility I suppose.  Neither Kaspersky nor BitDefender have ever found anything awry with P3Utility on systems I use.

You can send the exe file to Norton, supposedly for “further analysis” at https://submit.symantec.com/false_positive/ <https://submit.symantec.com/false_positive/>.  Whether or not they actually do anything with it is anyone’s guess, but I‘ll take them at their word that they might at least put P3Utility in “exonerated” status if they find nothing wrong with it.  I got tired years ago of Norton spending most of it’s time just getting in the way, that I dumped it.  YMMV …

Grant NQ5T
K3 #2091, KX3 #8342

On Jul 4, 2017, at 8:17 AM, K5MWR via Elecraft <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Don't know if anyone else has experienced this but this morning I get this message from Norton that the P3utility program is a threat named "Heur.AdvML.C" and that P3Utility.exe has been removed.
> Don't know if the recent major upgrade of Windows had any effect or most likely it is due to the low number of P3Utility users that also have Norton installed as they show less than 100 users.
> Expect this is just another of those cases where Norton is flagging because of few users so just going to reload.
> Pasted below is the Norton explanation.  No need to flame Norton, I understand its peculiarities just posted for information only.
> 73 Dave K5MWR
> Filename: p3utility.exe
> Threat name: Heur.AdvML.CFull Path: c:\program files (x86)\elecraft\p3
> utility\p3utility.exe

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