Not worrying about K4 delivery

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Not worrying about K4 delivery

Bill Levy

I have been Pandemic waiting, this list is from March.
4 inch Wooden posts 12 long
36" fridge
44" fridge
4 burner stove
30" fridge
New Car
all while staying healthy and masking up always when out.

One thing I have learned. Everyone knows me masked.
So the lesson here is don't rob the local bank or the local stage.
Those bandana masks from the 19th century Westerns didn't fool anyone.

That said stuff slowly comes in, then stops, then starts. All our factories
are short people or shut down.

You can't buy a FLEX thinking you will play with that until the K4 arrives
cause those are out 3 months and Maestro's even longer.

Now we are all waiting for a new government and a newer better vaccine.

So let's stop worrying about the K4. It will arrive someday along with all
the other stuff we are waiting for.

Warmest regards, stay safe,
Bill N2WL
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